Chapter 35 VA Payment Dates September 2024 – Check Eligibility and When VA Education Benefits Coming this Month?

The Department of Veteran Affairs offers Chapter 35 VA Payment to the eligible spouse and children of a Veteran. Veterans with some kind of disability will be eligible for the VA benefits and their spouses and children receive the Chapter 35 payments. Various kinds of educational and training benefits are offered under this program. The VA Payment amounts depend on the kind of course and registered working hours of the prospective beneficiary. The federal government Out the Chapter 35 VA Payment Dates for September 2024.

Chapter 35 VA Payment Dates September 2024

The Federal Department announced the schedule for 2024 and it also has revised the pay rates for 2024 and 2025. The new payment rates will be available without further modification till the 30th of September 2025. The VA Department has clarified that it will start rolling out the new pay rates from the 1st of October 2024. If a veteran’s spouse or children are under a training or apprenticeship program, they will get financial assistance. The enrolment period for a specific month decides the payment amount as it is given based on the enrolment of the students. What kind of education and training programs students opt out of will decide the eligibility and payment accordingly?

Even the survivors and dependents receive coverage for non-college training programs under the Chapter 35 VA payments. When service-related disability becomes severe with time, the affected veterans get access to several family benefit programs so that they do not have to feel the financial crunch due to their inability to earn. Children of such veterans have access to the tuition and college fees to pursue further education. All such expenses are typically borne by the Veteran’s Department. If individuals avail of the payment for repeated courses or courses that are not required for degree programs, they do not receive the VA Chapter 35 Payment.

Chapter 35 VA Payment Schedule 2024 Quick Overview

Title Chapter 35 VA Payment Schedule 2024
Program Name Dependent’s & Survivor’s Educational Assistance
Country Name The USA
Category Federal Payment for Education
Full Enrolment Payment $1536 per Month
Payment Schedule 1st of October 2024
Official Website

Chapter 35 VA Benefits Eligibility

The Gross Points Average determines the 35 VA benefits and students need to keep a track record of specific GPA to continue getting the benefits. To know the GPA requirements, refer to the following points

  • Claimants have maintained at least a 2.0 GPA and the 2.0 GPA rate should be cumulative
  • They have a completion rate of 67% in each of the semester
  • Students have to have a credit score measured in hours. The credit score will vary for each semester as for the summer semester, they have 8 credit hours
  • For fall and spring semesters, the students have 12 credit hours
  • There should be a gap of more than 7 days in a row for the Chapter 35 VA Payment Eligibility
  • In case, a student is thinking of dropping out or withdrawing from the course, prior permission and a notice to the VA’s certifying officials are a must
  • If a student is not serving prior notice informing the VA about the change in plan, it may occur a debt to the beneficiary

Chapter 35 VA Payment Dates September 2024 - Check Eligibility and When VA Education Benefits Coming this Month?

Chapter 35 VA Benefits Pay Schedule September 2024

The Chapter 35 VA Payment Schedule for September 2024 is mentioned below, the educational benefit amount is transferred into the account on the 1st of each month. The newly updated rates will apply from the 1st of October 2024 and will continue till the 30th of September 2025.

Payment Schedule VA Education Benefit Coming on these Dates
September 2024 1st of October 2024
October 2024 1st of November 2024
November 2024 1st of December 2024
December 2024 1st of January 2025

The VA Pay Rates for college and university courses and non-college programs for degrees in trade and vocational courses are the same. The pay rate differs based on the time of enrolment in educational institutions.

Enrolment Time Chapter 35 VA Payment Rate for Full Month
Full time $1536 monthly
Three-fourth time $1214 each month
Half of the time $890 for a full month

How to Check Chapter 35 VA Benefits Status?

Some of the course and job training programs have to be verified every month to continue getting the benefits. To know their status and upcoming prospective changes in the payments based on the course and programs, students or claimants can examine the status in all of the following ways.

  • For filing verification through an online process, sign in the Ask VA and download the form “VA 22-8979”, after completion send it to the regional office nearby you
  • The verification form can also be sent through mail. After completion, send the form to the VA office
  • And to know extra details and know the latest verification, claimants can choose to make the same through Phone calls. For that make a call at “888-442-4551” from Monday to Friday, services are available from 8.00 AM to 7.00 PM
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